Ohr Chabad

Where Chassidic Wisdom
Comes to Life

In the Yatir forest, a new Chabad village is being established to welcome visitors, and share the warmth and light of Judaism.

The Yishuv

Imagine a place where Chassidus becomes a reality. Where chassidim live in sincere effort to fulfill the dreams of our Rebbeim. A place where children run freely and discover the world through the eyes of the Torah. Imagine living in a village where everyone is welcome to discover their innermost treasures, while encouraged by a loving community.

Welcome to Ohr Chabad.

Ohr Chabad is a new Chabad yishuv, being built by a group of families with the support of Agudas Chassidei Chabad. The yishuv will fulfill the Rebbe’s decade’s old request to build another Chabad village, from where Chassidic wisdom shines and spreads to the world.

Every family living in the yishuv will be an important part of this mission.

The Resort

Hidden between the rolling hills and forest trees will be a resort where visitors come both to relax and to be inspired.

Tourists from around the world will be able to rejuvenate while surrounded by Israel’s beauty, and breathing in its ancient secrets. The luxurious hotel will feature stunning views, exciting attractions, and hands-on Jewish learning experiences all in one location.

Visitors will be invited to step out of the resort gates, and through the Ohr Chabad yishuv, where they will be welcome by the warm community into a journey through a village where Chassidic wisdom comes to life.

“And my hope is that in time a third, fourth, etc, village will be established, and with a character where everyone is united, as one unit, with one spirit.”

Student Volunteer Program

Every year, thousands of Jewish students travel to Israel to devote their gap-year to the Holy Land. Ohr Chabad will offer a unique opportunity–the best of both worlds. Students will be invited to learn about building a new yishuv in the Negev, with hands-on experience, while also learning about Judaism in a fun and exciting setting.

The Rebbe 5729/1969 - Igros Kodesh Volume 26 p.108

25, Rosh Chodesh Nissan, 5729/1969

Brooklyn, N.Y.

The honor of the participants in the celebration of the laying of the stone turned to Kfar Chabad 2 – in our holy land it will soon be built and established in our days by our righteous Moshiach.
G-d will live in them.

Greetings and blessings!

It was with great joy that I received your letter about the placement of the cornerstone for the second Kfar Chabad. It will be on the coming 11th of Nissan. May it be a day of life, good, and peace for us and for all Israel.

It is my hope that in the near future this village will only be considered the second Kfar Chabad based on the time (of its establishment), but it will become unified with the existing Kfar Chabad which has been around for twenty years. And furthermore, in the near future there will be a third, fourth, and so on. And it will be in a manner in which they are all one unit with one spirit.

As mentioned many times, although our Sages have said that the greatness of Hashem is that he created man with each having a unique face and that they all think differently, Hashem requires us to be close to all other Jews with a closeness of the heart, going so far as to unite with them, one big Jewish heart.

The only possible way to true and lasting unity of disparate and separate people is to live a unified life, a life steeped in the Torah of life, the Torah of the living G-d (Chassidus).

For “we have one Torah” which was given by the one G-d, through which the Jewish nation is made into “one nation in the world”.

And may it be His will that just as we merited to place a cornerstone for the second Kfar Chabad, so too will we soon merit to complete its building and its complete edification, both physically and spiritually, together. And after that, immediately, to the third and fourth Kfar Chabad, etc, and all well-founded.

According to the will of the founder of the first Chabad village, which is the Rebbe my father in law,

On the threefold love: the love of G-d, the Torah, and Israel,

After all, true love is the one that brings closer and unites – ahava (love) is the numerical value of echad (one),

And from the villages of Chabad, fountains of G-d’s living words will spread and with them will lead the said spirit of love, and they will be found wherever they are distributed,

Because Israel the Torah and G-d – essentially and generally – are all one.

And the building of this Chabad village – to fulfill the vocation by King David of Israel (and it will be fulfilled very soon):

G-d will stand up, his enemies will be avenged and his haters will flee from his face –

And that there are haters before the one who said, O G-d the world, but these are the haters of Israel –

And he will redeem Zion and build the cities of Judah and dwell there and inherit it.

With respect and with the blessing of much success in the things they do and with the blessings of a kosher and happy Pesach,

Menachem Schneerson

Chassidic Wisdom Comes to Life

Ohr Chabad

Sukkot Camping

Chol Hamoed in Yatir

A fun festival for the whole family